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answer:The tiger is one of the largest and most majestic feline species in the world. It has a muscular and streamlined body that enables it to run and swim at great speeds. Tigers are known for their distinctive coat pattern of black stripes on an orange background, which helps them blend in with the tall grasses and dense forests where they live. Tigers are solitary animals and are most active at night. They have excellent eyesight and hearing, making them effective hunters. They have retractable claws that are used for catching prey and defending themselves against other predators. Tigers are carnivores and eat a variety of prey, including deer, wild boar, and buffalo. Sadly, due to habitat loss and poaching, tigers are now an endangered species. There are only a few thousand tigers left in the wild, and several subspecies have already gone extinct. Conservation efforts are being made to protect tigers and their habitat, but much more needs to be done to ensure their survival in the future.

question:غيره مختصر جدا

answer:النمر هو حيوان مفترس كبير ذو جسم مرن ولون بني محمر مع خطوط سوداء. يعيش في الغابات والغابات المطيرة في آسيا ويتغذى على الحيوانات الكبيرة. يعد نمراً مهدداً بالانقراض.

question:# Target rules for targets named starcoder # Build rule for target. starcoder: cmake_check_build_system (MAKE) (MAKESILENT) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 starcoder .PHONY : starcoder # fast build rule for target. starcoder/fast: (MAKE) (MAKESILENT) -f examples/starcoder/CMakeFiles/starcoder.dir/build.make examples/starcoder/CMakeFiles/starcoder.dir/build .PHONY : starcoder/fast What's "fast build for target"?

answer:A fast build for target is a shortcut rule that allows users to quickly build the target without performing all the necessary checks and configuration steps that a regular build would entail. It assumes that all necessary checks and configurations have been completed previously and can be skipped to save time.

question:How do I make a fast build?

answer:To make a fast build, you can use the shortcut rule specified in the makefile for the target you want to build. For example, if you want to make a fast build of the target named `starcoder`, simply run the following command in your terminal from the root directory of your project: ``` make starcoder/fast ``` This will execute the fast build rule specified in the makefile for the `starcoder` target, which will skip all unnecessary checks and configurations to quickly build the target.

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