question:You are an AI assistant. You will be given a task. You must generate a detailed and long answer. Write a multi-choice question for the following article: Article: Have you ever wanted to achieve something really amazing in life? Well, Greg Mortenson wanted to climb a mountain, but he ended up helping thousands of people to have a better life. Greg's story began with failure. In 1993, he set out to climb K2, the world's second highest mountain. But Greg never made it to the top. After five days, he stumbled into the village of Korphe in northern Pakistan, injured and hungry. The kind villagers there looked after him for several days. Greg saw that the villagers were very poor and hungry, and some of them were ill. Also, the village school didn't have a roof and the children wrote on the ground with sticks, Greg knew he wanted to do something to help. "I'll build you a school," he told the villagers. "I promise." Greg went back home to the USA to raise money for the school. He even lived in the car to save money! Finally he went back to Korphe and built the school. But _ was just the beginning of something bigger! Since then, Greg's organization has built around 80 schools and runs many others in Pakistan and other countries, too. Greg hasn't finished yet. He does many other things to help people in poor countries. He has got many prizes, but it's the smiles of the children he has helped that makes him happy! Greg has just written a best-selling book about his story called Three Cups of Tea. It's an interesting and exciting book which tells us what ordinary people can do with courage and determination . The answer to this question is:
answer:"Three Cups of Tea." Which of the following statements about Greg Mortenson is correct? a) Greg Mortenson successfully climbed K2, the world's second highest mountain. b) Greg Mortenson's organization has built only one school in Pakistan. c) Greg Mortenson embarked on his journey to help people after an experience in the village of Korphe in northern Pakistan. d) Greg Mortenson wrote a best-selling book titled "Two Cups of Tea." Answer: c) Greg Mortenson embarked on his journey to help people after an experience in the village of Korphe in northern Pakistan.
question:You are an AI assistant. Provide a detailed answer so user don’t need to search outside to understand the answer. What is the answer for the question: What is the full name of the person who dispatched a force with Odo in tow? from the following article ? It was probably William the Conqueror who gave the city and its castle to Bishop Odo of Bayeux, the king's half brother. On William's death in September 1087 his territories were divided between his two sons. Robert, the elder, inherited the title of Duke of Normandy and William Rufus became King of England. A significant number of Norman barons objected to dividing Normandy and England, and Bishop Odo supported Robert's claim to the English throne. Several others, including the earls of Northumberland and Shrewsbury and the Bishop of Coutances came out in support of Robert. Odo prepared Rochester Castle for war and it became one of the headquarters of the rebellion. Its position in Kent made it a suitable base for raids on London and its garrison could harry William's forces in the county. William set off from London and marched towards Rochester to deal with the threat. Before he arrived, news reached the king that Odo had gone to Pevensey Castle, which was under the control of Robert, Count of Mortain. William turned away from Rochester and seized Pevensey. The captured Odo was forced to swear to hand over Rochester to William's men. The king despatched a force with Odo in tow to demand Rochester's surrender. Instead of yielding, the garrison sallied and captured the entire party. In response William laid siege to the city and castle. Contemporary chronicler Orderic Vitalis recorded that the siege began in May 1088. Two siege-castles were built to cut off the city's supply lines and to protect the besiegers from sorties. Conditions within the city were dire: disease was rampant, exacerbated by the heat and flies. The garrison ultimately capitulated and terms were agreed. Odo, Eustace, Count of Boulogne, and Robert de Belleme, son of the Earl of Shrewsbury, were allowed to march away with their weapons and horses but their estates in England were confiscated. This marked the end of the castle's role in the rebellion, and the fortification was probably abandoned shortly afterwards. The siege-castles were... Answer:
answer:The full name of the person who dispatched a force with Odo in tow is King William Rufus, also known as William II of England.
question:You are an AI assistant. User will you give you a task. Your goal is to complete the task as faithfully as you can. While performing the task think step-by-step and justify your steps. Premise: "If it makes cold economic sense to invest more in training computer workers and attracting more people to high-tech jobs, we can sleep easy knowing that the relentlessly rational propeller-heads who run computer-related businesses will do so, eliminating the need for taxpayers to do it for them." Based on this premise, is the hypothesis "It doesn't make any sense to employ computer workers." true? Options are: (A). yes. (B). it is not possible to tell. (C). no.
answer:Let's analyze the premise and hypothesis step by step to determine the answer to the given question: Step 1: Understand the premise The premise states that if investing in training computer workers and attracting more people to high-tech jobs is economically sensible, the people running computer-related businesses will take care of it themselves, without needing taxpayers' money. Step 2: Understand the hypothesis The hypothesis is: "It doesn't make any sense to employ computer workers." Step 3: Compare the premise to the hypothesis The premise talks about the benefits of investing in training computer workers and attracting more people to high-tech jobs. It implies that there is a demand for computer workers and the rational people running the businesses will fulfill this demand themselves. The hypothesis, on the other hand, seems to make a statement that opposes employing computer workers at all. Step 4: Evaluate the relationship between the premise and the hypothesis The premise and hypothesis address different aspects. The premise discusses the investment in training and attracting high-tech job candidates without needing taxpayers' money. The hypothesis questions the overall sense of employing computer workers. Step 5: Determine the answer Based on the premise and its focus on the benefits of investment in the computer workforce, we can infer that the statement "It doesn't make any sense to employ computer workers" is not supported by the premise. So, the answer is (C). no.
question:You are an AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well. Help as much as you can. Information: - A galaxy is a gravitationally bound system of stars, stellar remnants, interstellar gas, dust, and dark matter. The word galaxy is derived from the Greek "", literally "milky", a reference to the Milky Way. Galaxies range in size from dwarfs with just a few billion stars to giants with one hundred trillion stars, each orbiting its galaxy's center of mass. Galaxies are categorized according to their visual morphology as elliptical, spiral and irregular. Many galaxies are thought to have black holes at their active centers. The Milky Way's central black hole, known as Sagittarius A*, has a mass four million times greater than the Sun. As of March 2016, GN-z11 is the oldest and most distant observed galaxy with a comoving distance of 32 billion light-years from Earth, and observed as it existed just 400 million years after the Big Bang. - X-radiation (composed of X-rays) is a form of electromagnetic radiation. Most X-rays have a wavelength ranging from 0.01 to 10 nanometers, corresponding to frequencies in the range 30 petahertz to 30 exahertz (3×10 Hz to 3×10 Hz) and energies in the range 100 eV to 100 keV. X-ray wavelengths are shorter than those of UV rays and typically longer than those of gamma rays. In many languages, X-radiation is referred to with terms meaning Röntgen radiation, after the German (German-Dutch to be precise) scientist Wilhelm Röntgen, who usually is credited as its discoverer, and who had named it "X-radiation" to signify an unknown type of radiation. Spelling of "X-ray(s)" in the English language includes the variants "x-ray(s)", "xray(s)", and "X ray(s)". - A brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) is defined as the brightest galaxy in a cluster of galaxies. BCGs include the most massive galaxies in the universe. They are generally elliptical galaxies which lie close to the geometric and kinematical center of their host galaxy cluster, hence at the bottom of the cluster potential well. They are also generally coincident with the peak of the cluster X-ray emission. - A light-year is a unit of length used to express astronomical distances. It is about 9 trillion kilometres or 6 trillion miles. As defined by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), a light-year is the distance that light travels in vacuum in one Julian year (365.25 days). Because it includes the word "year", the term light-year is sometimes misinterpreted as a unit of time. - A potential well is the region surrounding a local minimum of potential energy. Energy captured in a potential well is unable to convert to another type of energy (kinetic energy in the case of a gravitational potential well) because it is captured in the local minimum of a potential well. Therefore, a body may not proceed to the global minimum of potential energy, as it would naturally tend to due to entropy. - The Universe is all of time and space and its contents. It includes planets, moons, minor planets, stars, galaxies, the contents of intergalactic space, and all matter and energy. The size of the entire Universe is unknown. - IC 1101 is a supergiant elliptical galaxy at the center of the Abell 2029 galaxy cluster, approximately 320 megaparsecs (1.04 billion light-years) from Earth. - A galaxy cluster, or cluster of galaxies, is a structure that consists of anywhere from hundreds to thousands of galaxies that are bound together by gravity with typical masses ranging from 1010 solar masses. They are the largest known gravitationally bound structures in the universe and were believed to be the largest known structures in the universe until the 1980s, when superclusters were discovered. One of the key features of clusters is the intracluster medium (ICM). The ICM consists of heated gas between the galaxies and has a peak temperature between 215 keV that is dependent on the total mass of the cluster. Galaxy clusters should not be confused with star clusters, such as open clusters, which are structures of stars "within" galaxies, or with globular clusters, which typically orbit galaxies. Small aggregates of galaxies are referred to as groups of galaxies rather than clusters of galaxies. The groups and clusters can themselves cluster together to form superclusters. - An elliptical galaxy is a type of galaxy having an approximately ellipsoidal shape and a smooth, nearly featureless brightness profile. Unlike flat spiral galaxies with organization and structure, they are more three-dimensional, without much structure, and their stars are in somewhat random orbits around the center. They are one of the three main classes of galaxy originally described by Edwin Hubble in his 1936 work "The Realm of the Nebulae", along with spiral and lenticular galaxies. Elliptical galaxies range in shape from nearly spherical to highly flat and in size from tens of millions to over one hundred trillion stars. Originally Edwin Hubble hypothesized that elliptical galaxies evolved into spiral galaxies, which was later discovered to be false. Stars found inside of elliptical galaxies are much older than stars found in spiral galaxies. - Abell 2029 or A2029 is a large cluster of galaxies 315 megaparsecs ( 1,027 million light - years ) away in the constellation Virgo . A2029 is a Bautz - Morgan classification type I cluster due to its large central galaxy , IC 1101 . This type of galaxy is called a cD - type brightest cluster galaxy and may have grown to its large size by accreting nearby galaxies . 'abell 2029' is related to which object entity through the relation of 'instance of'? Choices: - 1 - case - classification - cluster - constellation - dark matter - distance - electromagnetic radiation - galaxy - galaxy cluster - language - march - mass - may - morphology - orbit - range - region - size - space - star - state - structure - temperature - term - three - time - union - unit of time - word - year Answer:
answer:Abell 2029 is related to the object entity "galaxy cluster" through the relation of 'instance of'.